EcoMobility World Festivals
EcoMobility World Festivals

EcoMobility World Festival 2015 in Johannesburg (South Africa)

The second EcoMobilty World Festival was held from 1-31 October 2015 in Johannesburg (South Africa). It was organized by the city of Johannesburg in partnership with ICLEI and supported by The Urban Idea and numerous local partner organizations.


ICLEI took charge of general advice, international outreach and the EcoMobility 2015 congress, while The Urban Idea supported the Festival through the Creative Director and taking charge of aspects of the on-siteexhibition, the EcoMobility Expo Online, a book and three documentary films.



EcoMobilty Festival 2015 Johannesburg documenary book
EcoMobility Festival 2015 Johanneshurg website



EcoMobility World Festival 2015 Johannesburg Report
Johannesburg Declaration n Ecomobility and Cties

Films in English

5-minute summary film
15-minute video documentary
10-minute film on bridging the social divide by ecomobility

Films in Chinese

走向生态出行的中央商务区 - 2015生态出行全球庆典
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